Sunday, January 24, 2010


day 24 of the new year.
I am still thinking of him all the time!
Nearly every song I listen to I think of him so much!
When I am laying in bed he is on my mind.
Is that weird... I cannot stop thinking about him, but yet I still do not
know how I feel... obviously there is something but I am so confused!
I miss him.. I know that much.
I think about how everything would of turned out if he stayed...
but he didn't so what is the point he is gone..
I have not seen him since he left that day.
We talk on computer every so often and on the odd occasion on webcam,
but it is not the same... i need him here.
I am stressed out because of work and because school starting back in a few days,
then there is him.. i miss him and i feel like I am not happy.. I want to but then..
I think of him and miss him..
does he sit and think of me?
does he wonder what everything would of been like if he stayed?
does he miss me?
ahh I do not know!
why does everything have to be so complicated??
why can it not be easy.. why couldn't he stay?
two words... thats life
get over it I guess hey? move on find someone new?
I will try hopefully I will find someone this year..
hopefully they will be as good as him, but I do not think there are many guys like him around these days.
how many guys do you know that will open your door for you when you get in and out of a car?
be romantic and sweet.
how many guys have you heard say that they don't want to sleep with anyone until they are older.. they are not interested in all the "fun stuff" other guys are into.
not many! he was perfect he made me smile and laugh.
We could talk on the phone for hours and not run out of things to talk about!
man I miss him!
well im off, done enough venting :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010


well as was told I do have news.
a few days ago I met up with my 3 bestfriends; 2 from mildura, 1 from adelaide :)
we have not all been together since year 6 :( so it was quite the reunion! :)
it was so hard to say good bye to them again after all this time, but it had to be done.
Hopefully we all catch up again soon and not another 4 years :(
anyway.. i got to adelaide at around 2.25pm and the others got in around 2.30pm ish... and from the get go there was not one moment of awkward silence :):)
after we all arrived we caught a taxi back to N's house $25 taxi ride :S then we just hung around at her house :) caught up on all the goss :) took soom pictures and talked a little more.
The around 7 -7.30pm we went to the beach, got ice creams and watched the worst sunset ever! but who cares it was a moment never the less :) then we walked around a little. We ended up sitting in the medium? strip in the middle of the road hah :) on the grass and N got bird poo on her finger :P then we all talked a little more :) then B came and picked us up. when we got home we just laid around and ... talked :) the next day we left the house around nine am and didn't finish shopping until 5.30 - 6 pm :) then we all laid around for a little bit then we got dressed up and went out for dinner at a vietnamese resturant :) then walked home.. had a few scary moments then not much else. The next day we took what felt like the longest bus/tram rides to the bus station and by the time we got there S and K had to get on their bus and head home! so me and N walked around for a bit took some piks lost track of time and i got to the bus station 5 - 10 minutes before my bus was to leave :S but i got home okayy :) well that was my news :) hope you enjoyed it :P:P

Saturday, January 16, 2010


well it has been a few days since I have blogged but I just could not be bothered to go on the computer.
Today I went to work like usual and I was the only one there to help the chef... woo hoo... maybe not :S
To be honest I do not know what to talk about... there is a bit I want to say but I cant not just yet give me a few days, then I will be loaded :)
I am super tired so I will maybe write a bit later :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Omg I worked it out!
The reason I thought I started cleaning my bedroom yesterday is because I did start yesterday the blogger site is a day behind.
Today it is the 14th but on my blog it says the 13th. Woo I worked it out!
I am not loosing my mind!! :D:D

Am I loosing my mind?!

Day 14
It is amazing how time flies. It felt like just yesterday I blogged (or whatever it is called) but it turns out it was two days ago! I swear I started to clean my bedroom yesterday! I think I may be loosing my mind!

Anyhoo today I am a tad pee'd off, I am sick of work! only because I really dislike my manager and when I am not at work where am I at home sweet home doing absolutely nothing! Man my life is boring.

I want to do stuff but you see I do not have my license so anything I want to do I have to ask mumsy and most of the time she does not want to do anything, so I am left to suffer!

Don't you hate it when you are supposed to get paid on this day but get paid days later? I do it is getting so annoying I need money to do things they should understand these thing... but they don't obviously! garr I mean work is getting soooooo annoying I really am thinking of trying to find another job to replace this one!

Well I will probably ... blog again later to let out some more steam :P

ttfn :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Finally doing something in the new year :)

Day twelve of the new year and I have finially decided to tidy that pig sty of a room which is my bedroom.
So far I have pretty much just swept the entire contents of my bedroom into a pile in the middle of my floor and made another pile... on my bed. :S To be honest I really could not be stuffed to finish it... I guess I will not be sleeping in my bed tonight.

Today at 11.45am I got a phone call from work asking if I could come in as soon as possible...I did of course. I was not looking forward to going considering just days before the manager called me up and had a go at me over the phone about job I should have done (that I did do) that were not done. The funny thing was that I had been home from work for an hour and half before she called me. Wow.. I really think people should get their facts straight hey?! So I was a little scared and really annoyed that I would have to face her again.

Grouching over :) I am thinking of having a garage sale this weekend... only problem... I am working :( so I am going to put tags on all the stuff I am selling and write my list with my prices and mumsy is going to do my half of the garage sale :) (my sister and I are having a garage sale)

Tell you how it works out :)

Time to turn over a new leaf..

I do not know how I am supposed to write or say things or decorate things, but I do not need the fancy writing or special words to explain how I feel. I just need to let it out.

Tonight/Early morning.
I have realized that if you think. Think real hard. You start to realize who your real friends are.
I realized that this place I live in does not have the memories that the place I used to live in does. It does not have the time I first start school and made friends that I still have to this day.
It does not have that one boy that you started liking on your like second day of school that lasted all the way up until year 7. It does not hold the times you first had your heart broken.
It does not have the things I wish it had!

Two and a half years ago I moved to this new place, left that wonderful place behind. Left those friends that had been with me through everything, left behind those memories.

I have made friends and met a lot of nice people whether I call them friends or not is a different story. When I moved I got put up a year, so now the work is harder. Half a year to a year later I become friends with an amazing guy who I eventually fell in love with. At the start of 2009 he moved away and he has not been back since. We still talk every so often and go on webcam so we can still see and talk to eachother... but it is not the same.

It is really hard to have your bestfriends in different states.
I feel like I do not belong here. Like I am all alone.

It is the start of 2010 and these memories keep coming back. The ones I wish were here.
How can I move on if I can not face the facts, those times are over.
It is time to start again, make new memories. Make new friends...
If I can...